This is a trip into the world of taste and history, one of an exceptional poultry breed that has been preserved for centuries in order to provide the consumer with a unique gastronomical experience, a sensory feast.
Bresse Poultry is easy to cook. It is a rustic product complete in and of itself! Its natural meat is tender and juicy from the fat gained during the final stage and sufficient for the entire cooking time. You can find some hints of whey and its intense flavour – something magical is happening in your mouth!
Simply roasted with just a small pinch of salt and pepper, or cooked with distinction, Bresse Poultry – chickens, capons, turkeys and poulards – delivers all its flavours gained through months of careful breeding.
This is the best poultry for a family meal. It can also be served at a gathering of friends or ordered in a restaurant. It’s an unforgettable experience that you will want to relive time and time again !